Saturday 26 January 2008

Half Life 2 Episode 2 Review

So, I got round to playing it finally and I have to say, I was very impressed. I think the problem with Episode 1 was that, being the first of these episodic releases, you never knew how long it was going to be. There had been plenty of hype around this which was almost over-shadowed by the release of the Orange Box, which also contained, new releases, Portal and Team Fortress 2. Did it add up to the hype?

The first thing that is remarkable about this game is the setting and that was obviously going to change due to the end of the last episode. You do not start in a forest straight away however, as the ending of Episode 1 may have led you to believe. This game starts, more or less, in an Antlion nest, a cavey sort of place but being armed with nothing but the gravity gun at first is not easy. There are a different type of antlion too, these prefer to attack you with some sort of spray from afar. Then you make your way to the forests where you are given a car, different from the buggy, which helps you cruise the landscape with ease. You end up at a missile silo which delivers much of the familiar urban combat we're used to.

Another great thing about this game is all the new stuff they've added in this game. The creatures you come across are mostly the same, especially the soldiers as there is no change here but the best new enemy is the Hunter. These are a bit like Striders only a bit smaller. They are just bigger than a man and this makes them quite dangerous because they can enter buildings. They are difficult to kill, will take up a lot of ammo and have two attacks; one being rapid-fired, it hits you and then explodes and the other is a charging tackle which sends flying into the air. You are able to run them over which is a relief to find out when you get the car. In terms of new weapons, there is the Magnusson Device. Not technically a weapon because you cannot select it in your inventory, the Magnusson Device is fired using the gravity gun to the underbelly of the Striders which it sticks to. These explode and blow the Strider up. These are dotted all around one particular part of the map where you are under attack from Striders and Hunters.

The gameplay parts are fantastic, it seems amazing how many new ideas keep coming from the same world and the same series. What Valve are best at is making sure the player knows where to go and what to look at without thinking that they are being guided through. This is done by using set-pieces in a fantastic way and by prompting players rather than forcing them. If a player wanted to give something else a go, they could but they'd probably fail and enjoy the game a little less because of it. The set battles are always fresh because the scenery differs enough for each battle to be different. Puzzles are always fun to accomplish because they are always different but always still conform to the logic of the universe you are in.It goes the same for character building. The characters are well established with great voice acting on every part. Particularly compelling in this episode was the voice of the Vortigaunt who leads you underground to save Alyx.

When it comes down to it, some people may say that this game is a little short (I completed it in one sitting) but the fun and excitement you get out of it is the kind that makes you go back and do it again. These episodes are designed to be short and contain more story. If they weren't so short then they'd take a lot longer for Valve to churn out and that is certainly something I don't want!

All in all, a great episode and I now cannot wait for Episode 3.


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